State Education Resource Center of Connecticut

Connecticut Bestows Honor on PEG Founder and President

On May 11, Glenn Singleton, was awarded the 2018 George A. Coleman Award for Excellence in Equity by the State Education Resource Center of Connecticut (SERC). The recognition is awarded to an individual who demonstrates extraordinary acts of commitment and courage to ensure that all students, especially racially, culturally and linguistically diverse students, are valued and respected in their educational experience.

In 2003, the then Special Education Resource Center (SERC) (now the State Education Resource Center) began a partnership with Glenn and Pacific Educational Group. As part of the partnership SERC, as an agency, became involved in a journey to unmask the hidden realities of institutionalized racism and its impact in our classrooms. Glenn has guided SERC on its often difficult journey of racial equity for the last 15 years. He credits the guidance of the award namesake, and the school leadership in equity in Middletown, New Haven, New London & Waterbury.

With the support and guidance of Glenn and his team, the agency embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self-evaluation. Through “Courageous Conversation About Race” SERC ventured into what has become an essential part of the culture of the agency—unmasking the hidden biases of the history of racism in this country and the devastating effect on our students.

Ingrid Canady, SERC Executive Director, shares “With Glenn’s support, SERC learned that if we do not engage in courageous conversations about race we will continue to perpetuate the systemic practices that benefit a few students and isolate so many. We also learned that in order to engage in racial discourse within a safe and productive environment, facilitators of the dialogue must be skilled and knowledgeable about the topic so that they can guide the conversations toward true transformational change not only at the systemic level, but most importantly at the personal level. The journey has not been easy, yet so worth it.”

“Thank you for your mentorship, your leadership, your sacrifices and your unwavering, steadfast commitment to changing the life of our most marginalized children, their families, and our communities. I can’t thank you enough for who you are.”

Congratulations Glenn, as you continue to honor your elders and mentors!

Racial Bias Training at Starbucks

Racial Bias Training at Starbucks

The following is a letter to the editor submitted to the New York Times by Andrea Johnson, our senior advisor and professional development coordinator. To the Editor: Re “Starbucks Will Close 8,000 Stores for Training” (news article, April 18): I would like to applaud...

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